Below we have included resources on the website which may prove most useful in clinic, with links to downloadable PDFs for print:
Our Hype vs Hope research summaries look at debunking media hype and putting existing and upcoming research into a context assessed by experts, researchers and PwPs such that everyone interested in Parkinson’s has access to the same information.
In the UK, the Parkinson’s Specialist Nurses are vital and valued members of a PwPs healthcare armoury. Many are rightly lauded by their patients; they are aware of the latest research developments and learn from the real life experiences of their patients. Other heroes – with an understanding and interest in PD – include health care professionals such as occupational therapists, physiotherapists, pharmacists and psychotherapists. Parkinson’s Movement advocates and The Cure Parkinson’s Trust, have created some useful resources to support communication in clinical appointments and inform decision-making in Parkinson’s. Our vision is that taking part in research becomes one of those decisions.
Have you been confronted with an article in clinic that you would like to see summarised? Please do send us your suggestions of any additional resources or summaries you believe should feature on this page or within our Hype/Hope summaries to
Greater caring from the process of sharing
PM may not be all things to all people – but we would like to cover all things Parkinson’s and encourage greater understanding. Whatever the connection with the condition, we are open to answering questions and signposting to further help. Knowledge is power and the greater awareness generally, the greater the understanding and the closer the cure. Nurses, carers, GPs, personal trainers, family and friends of PWPs… come in, take a seat, you are welcome here.