A major digital innovation improves Parkinson’s detection

We are looking for healthy volunteers or people with Parkinson’s between the ages of 40 and 90 to donate data via a phone application and support the early detection of Parkinson’s.

Research Aims

The significant technological advances of recent years in artificial intelligence are beginning to bear fruit in the medical field. Several leading European universities of technology and hospitals have joined forces to carry out a digital revolution in the early detection of Parkinson’s disease. The iPrognosis mobile application (free and available on Google Play Stores in UK, Austria, Australia, Germany, Greece and Portugal) allows a detailed and long-term follow-up of the user’s characteristics. The algorithm developed and trained as part of the research project will be able to detect early signs of the disease and alert health professionals in order to diagnose the disease well in advance of what we are able to do today as part of traditional medical consultations. The project offers promising advances for persons facing Parkinson’s in the future who will be managed earlier, but also for the sustainability of our health systems through more rapid diagnosis and quick implementation of first actions in early stages of the disease.

What will it involve?

The first time you use the app, we will ask you if you are healthy, have a family history of Parkinson’s or if you have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s. We will also ask you for your age, date of birth, your gender, your level of education and how long you use a smartphone for. Thereafter, the GData will be captured in the background by the iPrognosis app.

Who is running the study?

The study is run by Professor K Ray Chaudhuri, Professor in Neurology/Movement Disorders and Consultant Neurologist at King’s College Hospital.

The study is being sponsored by European Commission Horizon 2020.

Full information about this project


I’d like to take part – who should I contact?

If you decide to take part you will be asked to sign an electronic consent form with which you agree to participate in the project. Please remember to tick the box in the app based consent form if you do not want to be contacted by the researchers. You can receive further information via the application and the i-PROGNOSIS website (http://www.iprognosis.eu/?page_id=1772). This website link takes you directly to the GData study where you can find all the relevant information. If you have questions that are not clarified by the information provided, you can contact the i-PROGNOSIS helpdesk via email (info@i-prognosis.eu). This service is available 24 hours a day.

In case you have any remaining queries please feel free to contact our team at King’s College Hospital:

Professor K Ray Chaudhuri
Neurology Department
King’s College Hospital
Telephone: 0203 299 8336
Email: kch-tr.PDresearch@nhs.net
(This service is available 09:00 – 17:00 Monday to Friday).

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