Broadcast Research Meeting

Thursday 1st November 2018 from 3pm

Following this year’s Rallying to the Challenge meeting we hosted a live international update meeting on the 1st November 2018The meeting was kindly hosted by the Bentley Academy in London and was broadcast online. If you have any queries about this meeting, please e-mail

3.00 pm

5 reasons to be hopeful

Jon Stamford discusses current and upcoming research in Parkinson’s and why we should all be hopeful now

3.15 pm

Linked Clinical Trials

Opportunities for involvement in clinical research – Dr Simon Stott

3.45 pm

Fatigue – What does it all mean?

Discussion session: Defining, reporting and measuring fatigue: an update – Jon Stamford, Leah Mursaleen and Angie Kehagia

4.30 pm

Rallying to the Challenge

Feedback, findings and impact of Rallying 2018 – Helen Matthews

4.55 pm

The New Parkinson’s Movement

Understand, Participate and Contribute – International impact: how the good got even better and how to get involved.

5.15 pm

World Parkinson’s Congress

Previews of WPC in Kyoto 2019 – presentation by Eli Pollard


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To watch this meeting online and watch live, please use the following link:

(Event number: 956 359 884, p/w: CPT2)

Thursday 1st November

3pm GMT/11am EST

Hosted by:

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