Alexander Reed
Age diagnosed: 44
Specialist interest: Newly diagnosed and changing treatment approach
Alexander Reed is director and founder of the “European Parkinson Therapy Centre” a no profit charity based in Italy and working in over 40 countries.
The centre is widely recognized for it’s holistic approach and the 4 Pillars approach to therapy. It is closely linked to national associations across Europe and works in close collaboration with Universities in the UK, Italy and USA.
Alex is a Research Partner with Oxford Brookes University. He is involved with research into Nutrition, Handwriting and recently on the Cost of Parkinson’s from a government perspective, arguing that early intervention will lower health care usage, keep people in work longer and result in massive cost savings. Working with the EPDA on projects like “the sharing of best practice” and Unite.
Working with Parkinson UK. The European Parkinson Therapy Centre tested and are now supporting the national roll out of an innovative early intervention project called “First steps”.
Alex is also consutant to Italy’s leading medical research company Zambon.