Fulvio Capitanio
Age diagnosed: 41
Specialist interest: Awareness and Assessment
“April 11, World Parkinson’s Day… until when?”
I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2007. By 2008, along with a group of people with Parkinson’s I met over the internet, I started an online organisation called Unidos contra el Parkinson (United against Parkinson’s) with the aim to bring communication, cooperation and community to people, entities, and foundations involved in the Parkinson’s world.
Through Unidos contra el Parkinson, I have coordinated international meetings dedicated to promote the importance of complementary therapies in Parkinson’s treatment. I am now dedicated to help and assess young onset people with Parkinson’s. To see continuing work of UCP see the ‘Action’ tab.
In April 2010, I started the project Run 4 PD, a global event involving more than 100 cities from 12 different countries whereby people run and walk miles to raise awareness.
I was also an ambassador for the World Parkinson Congress 2013 and 2016 in order to generate the collaborations and momentum in order to find a cure.