Garth Ravenhill


Age diagnosed: 36

Specialist interest: Employment with Parkinson’s

Trying to stay employed ten years after diagnosis. Keen interest in clinical research, psychology of illness and illness prevention. Have a burst of energy every two years to push myself for Parkinson’s research – London Marathon, London to Paris, Very happily married to Kim. Too impatient for this disease!

  • Currently on a steering committee for research investigating ways to improve Parkinson’s patient’s adherence with medication.
  • Member of my local hospitals “Parkinson’s Medicines Group”
  • Participant in Parkinson’s research.
  • Educate newly qualified nurses in the importance of correct timing of medication dispensing for their Parkinson’s patients.
  • Wrote about my experience of Parkinson’s in a book called “Walking in Sand”.
  • Interested in encouraging good scientific research, decreasing bureaucracy in research, and encouraging participation in research.
  • Interested in Patients with Parkinson’s staying in employment and how best to support this.

What is the one thing you want to change in the world? “Targets in health. Health professionals want to do their best for patients, not tick boxes.” What advice would you give to others who are keen to get involved in Parkinson’s research? “Patients who are involved in research tend to do better than those who don’t. My consultant also sees me in the study I am in and has to see me in my “off” state. This enables him to see me at my best when I see him for a routine review and at my worst – hence optimising treatment.”


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