Tom Gisby
Age diagnosed: 33
Specialist interest: Exercise, employment, YOPD
I’m an editor and composer, diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2014. Becoming involved with awareness, research, and fundraising has been a positive experience for me, and hopefully one that helps others. A keen runner, I’m interested in the beneficial effects of exercise with Parkinson’s. A keen musician, I’m trying to work out how to keep doing that too!
What is the one thing you want to change in the world?:
“More tolerance and empathy globally, for the good of people and the planet!”
I have spoken publicly about having Parkinson’s and patient involvement, including at the King’s Health Partners Neurosciences Institute Workshop, and this video for Parkinson’s UK (
I’ve completed a number of fundraising runs, including the London Marathon 2018 for The Cure Parkinson’s Trust.