
For researchers

Resource for involving patients in your study

For Healthcare Professionals

Recommended resources for HCPs and nurses

Perhaps we all need to operate a little smarter and be a bit more open-minded…The mission of Parkinson’s Movement is to involve, inform and educate people with Parkinson’s.

That’s not to say that there aren’t already some advocates out there who could more than hold their own in a room-full of researchers. And that’s really the point – a meeting of minds between researchers, their peers and People with Parkinson’s.

The one thing we’re all agreed on is that PD is a very tough nut to crack. So, here we are appealing specifically to researchers – why not work with those who have the inside view on it?

PwPs are hugely aware and sensitive to their disease progression, their symptoms and their reactions to medication, food, exercise and stress. These willing, interested and, hopefully interesting, helpers come in all ages, both sexes, all shapes and sizes. They are also from all social groups and professions – many still working as lawyers, teachers or even in the medical profession.

Some – especially within the YOPD camp – have a genetic type of PD. At PM, we think the ability to define the groups most likely to respond positively to specific trials is a very encouraging development.

Whatever input or involvement needed from advocates, we are here to help match them with the right researchers and projects. Researchers – please fill in the online form linked above and we’ll help you help us.

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